Doctor Who Saved My Life

by Michael Broussard

Doctor Who star Jon Pertwee and fan Michael Broussard at WhoFEST in Buffalo, NY in 1984
Doctor Who star Jon Pertwee and fan Michael Broussard at WhoFEST in Buffalo, NY in 1984

On February 1st, 2025 on Zoom I will be presenting my solo play about healing from childhood trauma, including the role Doctor Who played in that journey. You can get free tickets for that performance at

It is no exaggeration to say Doctor Who saved my life. In the late 1970s I felt utterly alone, isolated, trapped in complex PTSD from years of abuse. But that all changed when I discovered Doctor Who, and subsequently, Doctor Who fandom.

To understand why this did so much for my healing, it is important to understand that the Doctor saves people. The Doctor stands up for those who cannot stand up for themselves. And most importantly, the Doctor vanquishes monsters. My life was filled with very real monsters, from the stepfather who sexually abused me for several years in early childhood, to the mother who still was verbally and violently abusing me every day.

I would turn on the TV and watch this amazing alien from the planet Gallifrey use wit, charm, ingenuity, and sometimes even a little Venusian aikido, to put the monsters in their place. Whether that Doctor wore a velvet smoking jacket and a flowing cape, a floppy hat and an impossibly long scarf, or a coat of highly contrasting colors and a cat pin, the common traits were a strong sense of justice and a dedication to protecting the vulnerable.

When I first discovered the show I was completely isolated, too damaged to go out and make friends. I spent most of my time alone in my room. But I was eventually coaxed out by the opportunity to meet my hero at a convention. I was still very shy and hardly spoke while waiting in line for an autograph from the Fourth Doctor, actor Tom Baker. But as I attended more conventions, I opened up, delighted to find friends who shared my interests.

That was the beginning of a journey that led to founding a Doctor Who fan club, supporting the show by appearing on PBS pledge drives (the show was on PBS back then), and meeting fans from all around the country. It even brought me to a fan who listened to my survivor story and offered understanding and support.

All of this is chronicled in my play, including the fact that Doctor Who has come back again and again in my life to offer healing in all kinds of ways, up to and including today.

I hope you will be there to hear my story, share in my healing, and celebrate the power of a little British sci-fi show called Doctor Who.

Again, the date is Saturday, February 1st, it’s happening on Zoom, and you can get free tickets at
