Free Virtual Play 11/6/22 on Zoom

Get your tickets for a virtual performance of the interactive play Ask A Sex Abuse Survivor on Sunday Nov 6th, 2022. Details below.
Ask A Survivor play reading + Q&A on Zoom
Sun, Nov 6th, 2022 at 3:00 PM EDT
Tickets at
From Meg Lenherr, NCC, Counselor for Women’s Services, Inc. – “As a counselor who works with survivors of sexual trauma every day, I was amazed at the healing power of Michael’s honesty and courage while standing in front of an audience to perform his story in such a raw way. With splashes of colorful humor throughout the performance, Michael authentically and daringly painted the picture of the torment and abuse he experienced in a way that became tangible and relatable to everyone in the room. Before his performance was over I witnessed true healing in some survivors in the audience, who were able to discover, through Michael’s brave retelling of his story and the opportunity to ask questions, that they were not alone. Michael showed us that no one has to be alone as a survivor, and that everyone can heal. Whether you are a survivor or simply a supporter you will not be able to walk away without being deeply affected.”
Questions? Email [email protected]