Survivor Poetry Reading on Zoom 6/26

Survivor, poet, author, and artist Talia Fletcher will be reading her work and answering attendee questions in a FREE Zoom event on June 26th, 2024 at 3pm Eastern Time (US and Canada).

You can learn more about Talia and read her work at her website Daily Superheroism.

You can register to attend this event at for FREE at

Want to read your poetry in one of our online events? Contact us at [email protected] for more info.

Call for Survivor Artists and Performers for Survivor Knights Philadelphia 2019

Survivor Knights

We are seeking visual artists, speakers, storytellers, musicians, and other performing artists for a free event in Philadelphia co-sponsored by the North Carolina based arts community Survivor Knights and Ask A Sex Abuse Survivor.

Survivors of any kind of trauma, abuse, medical condition, or any other life challenge, are invited to display their visual art and/or to perform at Survivor Knights Philadelphia, Sunday afternoon, March 24th, 2019 at the Rotunda, 4014 Walnut Street in Philadelphia. For driving and public transit directions to the Rotunda visit

To participate, send photos of your visual art or audio/video of your story, poetry, music, performance piece, etc to [email protected]. We will be accepting submissions until February 28th, 2019. Audio and video does not need to be professional quality. We just want to see/hear your work.

The Survivor Knights community is the brainchild of survivor and advocate Brian Cardoza, who is also the founder of the Broken Knee Club, a support and advocacy organization working to raise awareness about childhood sexual abuse.

We look forward to showcasing your visual and performance art. Only together can we survive. Your darkest moments may be the light to another.

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Call for Survivor Artists and Performers for Survivor Knights Philadelphia

Survivor Knights

We are seeking visual artists, speakers, storytellers, musicians, and other performing artists for a free event in Philadelphia co-sponsored by the North Carolina based arts community Survivor Knights and Ask A Sex Abuse Survivor.

Survivors of any kind of trauma, abuse, medical condition, or any other life challenge, are invited to display their visual art and/or to perform at Survivor Knights Philadelphia, Sunday afternoon, March 25th, 2018 at the Rotunda, 4014 Walnut Street in Philadelphia. For driving and public transit directions to the Rotunda visit

To participate, send photos of your visual art or audio/video of your story, poetry, music, performance piece, etc to [email protected]. We will be accepting submissions until February 28th, 2018. Audio and video does not need to be professional quality. We just want to see/hear your work.

The Survivor Knights community is the brainchild of survivor and advocate Brian Cardoza, who is also the founder of the Broken Knee Club, a support and advocacy organization working to raise awareness about childhood sexual abuse.

We look forward to showcasing your visual and performance art. Only together can we survive. Your darkest moments may be the light to another.

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Survivor Knights Philadelphia was a Powerful Community Event

Survivor Knights Philadelphia

Artwork by Tiffani Dean – Photo by Jody Austin

The mutual support and love demonstrated by survivors of all kinds at the free event Survivor Knights Philadelphia on Saturday, January 21st was truly beautiful. Artists, speakers and poets gathered at the Rotunda on Walnut Street in University City to share their experiences on canvas and onstage.

As people walked around the space taking in the powerful imagery from artists Charlene Lutz (Muse Gallery), Brian Cardoza (The Broken Knee Club and Survivor Knights), Kathleen Mosher (MsMoArt), Mariellen Cressman, Jody Austin aka TruStory (CEO/President The Collective Mic, LLC), and Tiffani Dean aka La Diva Noire (COO/vice-President The Collective Mic, LLC), deep conversations could be heard in every corner about what it means to survive and how survivors can care for one another.

Later in the afternoon the speakers took the stage and filled the room with a hopeful cry for understanding. Inspiring words from Zahra Diallo, Michael Broussard (author and performer of the one man interactive play Ask A Sex Abuse Survivor), Bonnell Williams, Kellie Springer (author of Relentless: A Journey of Forgiveness), Brian Cardoza (author of The Unexpected Victim), Edna J. White (author of Stuff!: Giving the Secret a Voice), Jody Austin, and Tiffani Dean elicited frequent and enthusiastic applause.

As the event wound down people could be heard making plans for the next one, and the next one after that.

Ask A Sex Abuse Survivor would like to thank Survivor Knights founder Brian Cardoza for giving us the opportunity to host this amazing event.

Thanks also go out to the following, for their invaluable assistance: Rotunda Director Gina Renzi, Rotunda Intern Andrew Simpson, audio tech Styx Latte, and volunteer Jennifer Cutler.

If you are interested in hosting a Survivor Knights event in your area, please contact Brian Cardoza at [email protected] or visit or

The next Survivor Knights event will be Chasing Immortality on Saturday, January 28th at the New Bern Civic Theatre in New Bern, North Carolina.

Join us for a FREE Survivor Art Show and Spoken Word Event 1/21/17 in Philly

Survivor Knights

On Saturday, January 21st, 2017 at the Rotunda in Philadelphia survivors of all kinds will share their visual art and stories at a free event designed to bring the community together in mutual support. Complete details below.

The event is co-sponsored by the North Carolina based arts community Survivor Knights and Ask A Sex Abuse Survivor.

The Survivor Knights community is the brainchild of survivor and advocate Brian Cardoza, who is also the founder of the Broken Knee Club, a support and advocacy organization working to raise awareness about childhood sexual abuse.

Come out and meet your fellow survivors.

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